OUR PROJECT: Multilateral Comenius Project “Building Bridges 4 a Better Future”
Bulgaria: Profesionalna Tehnicheska Gimnazia
“Nikola Vaptsarov”, Vratza
France: Lycée
Pierre d’Ailly, Compiègne
Poland: Zespól
Szkól im. Por.Józefa Sarny w Gorzycach, Gorzyce
Portugal: Agrupamiento Vertical de Escolas de
Briteiros, Guimaraes
Slovenia: OS Karla Destovnika-Kajuha, Ljubljana
Sweden: ABB
Industrigymnasium, Ludvika
Turkey: Kilis
Anadolu Lisesi, Kilis
Spain: I.E.S. “Gonzalo Torrente Ballester”,
Miajadas, Cáceres. Coordinator of the Project
MAIN OBJECTIVES: To develop European Citizenship through
environmental awareness, as well as to reflect on the common culture of the different
countries which constitute our partnership, breaking barriers and prejudices. We
mean to have a major impact and benefits on our pupils, school staff and on the
local and wider community, helping to encourage life long learning. We will
promote and improve linguistic and technological competences.
One of the most
important objectives of our school partnership is the intercultural dialogue,
working on a cooperative and respectful way
MAIN TOPICS: Environmental protection, cultural respect and
European citizenship.
OUR ACTIVITIES: They are varied and a means to achieve the main
objectives. Some of them are: the celebration of the European Day of Languages;
a Carbon Footprint Questionnaire; design of an international mascot-logo; Comenius
Corner; celebration of Comenius Day; cultural and historical working visits;
itinerant story; celebration of a fair trade market etc…..
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